Code of Ethics
As a chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA),
we follow their Code of Ethics for members.
The education public relations professional shall:
- Be guided constantly by pursuit of the public interest through truth, accuracy, good taste and fairness; follow good judgment in releasing information; not intentionally disseminate misinformation or confidential data; avoid actions which lessen personal, professional or organizational reputation.
- Give primary loyalty to the employing organization, insisting on the right to give advisory counsel in accordance with sound public relations ideas and practices; cooperate with other groups while avoiding conflicts with primary responsibilities; object to untenable policies or activities.
- Be aware of personal influence, avoiding promises or granting of unprofessional advantages to others; refrain from accepting special considerations for influences on organizational decisions; avoid unauthorized use of organizational facilities, resources or professional services for personal gain or for promotion of the candidacy of aspirants to elected offices; forego derogatory acts or utterances against other professionals.
- Recognize that effectiveness is dependent upon integrity and regard for ideals of the profession; not misrepresenting professional qualifications; give credit for ideas and words borrowed from others; cooperate with professional colleagues to uphold and enforce this Code.
- A member shall, as soon as possible, sever relations with any organization or individual if such relationship requires conduct contrary to the articles of this Code.
NSPRA also follows the guidelines of the North American Public Relations Council.
North American Public Relations Council Uniform Code of Ethics
A member shall:
- Conduct his/her professional life in accord with the public interest.
- Exemplify high standards of honesty and integrity while carrying out dual obligations to a client or employer and to the democratic process.
- Deal fairly with the public, with past or present clients or employers and with fellow practitioners, giving due respect to the ideal of free inquiry and to the opinions of others.
- Adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth, avoiding extravagant claims or unfair comparisons and giving credit for ideas and words borrowed from others.
- Not knowingly disseminate false or misleading information and shall act promptly to correct erroneous communications for which he/she is responsible.
- Not engage in any practice which has the purpose of corrupting the integrity of channels of communication or the processes of government.
- Be prepared to identify publicly the name of the client or employer on whose behalf any public communication is made.
- Not use any individual or organization professing to serve or represent an announced cause, or professing to be independent or unbiased but actually serving another or undisclosed interest.
- Not guarantee the achievement of specified results beyond the member’s direct control.
- Not represent conflicting or competing interests without the express consent of those concerned, given after a full disclosure of the facts.
- Not place himself/herself in a position where the member’s personal interest is or may be in conflict with an obligation to an employer or client, or others, without full disclosure of such interests to all involved.
- Not accept fees, commissions, gifts or any other consideration from anyone except clients or employers for whom services are performed without their express consent, given after a full disclosure of the facts.
- Scrupulously safeguard the confidences and privacy right of present, former and prospective clients or employers.
- Not intentionally damage the professional reputation or practice of another practitioner.