Regional Meetings

TSPRA Regional Meetings provide additional opportunities for members for professional development and networking throughout the course of the school year with other education communications and foundation professionals from their area.

Meetings are scheduled by the respective Area Vice Presidents either monthly or semi-annually. Click here to learn more about TSPRA’s Area Vice Presidents.

To contact your Area Vice President, look up their contact information in the TSPRA member directory. 


Gulf Coast (ESC Regions 1, 2 & 3)
Houston/Beaumont (ESC Regions 4 & 5)
East Texas (ESC Regions 6, 7 & 8)
North Central (ESC Regions 9. 10 & 11)
West Central (ESC Regions 12, 14 & 15)
Central (ESC Region 13)
Northwest (ESC Regions 16 & 17)
Far West (ESC Regions 18 & 19)
and San Antonio (ESC Region 20)

Vice President Gulf Coast
ESC Regions 1, 2 and 3
Jennifer Garza
Chief Public Relations Officer
Hidalgo ISD

Zone Coordinator
Crystal Matern, CPC
, Gregory-Portland ISD

Upcoming Meetings:

Date: December 10, 2024

Location: Sharyland ISD | Mission, TX

Time: 9 am to 1 pm

The Gulf Coast Region brings together communicators from ESC Regions 1, 2, and 3. Don’t let the name fool you! We are way more than just the southern part of the Gulf Coast, we also include the border region from Brownsville to Laredo. other for helping out our fellow TSPRAn’s.

Vice President Houston/Beaumont
ESC Regions 4 and 5
Joel Weckerly
Director for Communication
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD

Zone Coordinator
Brittany Blanchard, Alvin ISD

Upcoming Meetings:

January 23, Goose Creek CISD

HASPRA is comprised of TSPRA members in the Houston-Beaumont area, serving members in ESC Regions 4 and 5. HASPRA members meet about six times per year. Members receive regular updates via e-mail, the HASPRA Happenings e-newsletter and the HASPRA private Facebook group.

Vice President East Texas Area
ESC Regions 6, 7 and 8
Jennifer Hines, CPC
Chief Communications Officer
Tyler ISD

Zone Coordinator
Courtney Sanguinetti, Lindale ISD

Upcoming Meetings:

December 11 – Henderson ISD

January – TBA

ETSPRA is made up of East Texas Regions 6, 7 and 8. ETSPRA members meet 4-6 times per year, and share information through email and a shared Google Drive.

Vice President North Central Area
ESC Regions 9, 10 and 11
Cecelia Jones
Director for Communications
Little Elm ISD

Zone Coordinator
Taylor Poston, Lake Dallas ISD

Upcoming Meetings:

Dec. 5 – Region 11, Sponsor ParentSquare – Presenter: Jacque Lambiase, TCU CPC Program

Jan. 9 – Coppell ISD, Topic: Turn your Supt into a GOAT

SPRINT is the TSPRA chapter for Greater North Central Texas, serving members in ESC Regions 9, 10 and 11.

Every other month, members are invited to a large-group seminar that includes a “big idea” focus in a central location. Then, in the months in between seminars, SPRINT holds simultaneous sub-regional meetings that are closer to members’ home districts.

Members also receive updates regularly via the SPRINT in Action! e-newsletter and the SPRINT private Facebook group.

Vice President West Central Area
ESC Regions 12, 14 and 15
Wendy Sledd
Communications Coordinator
Waco ISD

Zone Coordinator
Sarah Jane Menefee
, Rapoport Academy Public School

Upcoming meetings:

Dec. 12 – Holiday social luncheon hosted by Midway ISD.

Jan. 29 – Hosted by Waco ISD. Presenter is Huckabee discussing bond elections.


Vice President Central Area
ESC Region 13
Claudia McWhorter
Chief Communications Officer
Eanes ISD

Zone Coordinator
Jennifer Edwards
, Dripping Springs ISD

Upcoming Meetings:

Dec. 13 – Evening networking event – Sponsor, Location TBD

Jan. 15 – Hosted by Region 13, sponsored by AlwaysOn.
Topic: get to know your Region’s Communications staff!

Vice President Northwest Texas Area
ESC Regions 16 and 17
Erin Gregg, APR
Executive Director of Communications & Community Relations
Lubbock ISD

Zone Coordinator
Rebecca Calder
, Borger ISD

Upcoming Meetings:

The Northwest region covers the majority of the vast Panhandle of Texas.  It is almost 325 miles from our most northern district to our most southern.  We hold two meetings a year, rotating between Amarillo and Lubbock, one in October and one in April.  We also invite members from the Midland-Odessa area as they are geographically closer than their Far West Region districts.

Vice President Far West Area
ESC Regions 18 and 19
Gustavo Reveles 
Director of Communications & Marketing 
Canutillo ISD

Zone Coordinator
Nydia Natividad
, Pecos-Barstow-Toyah ISD

Upcoming Meetings:

December 2024 – Holiday mixer in conjunction with Public Relations of the Southwest El Paso Chapter. 

Jan. 29, 2025 – Lunch meeting to discuss upcoming TSPRA conference. 

Vice President San Antonio Area
ESC Region 20
Lexi Greathouse 
Communications & Executive Director to JEF
Judson ISD

Zone Coordinator
Alexis Lafossee
, South San Antonio ISD

Up-coming Meetings:

December 11, 2024

January 8, 2025

Typically 2nd Wednesday of the Month at 9 a.m.