Duties of Officers
- President: presides at general membership and executive committee meetings; appoints chairpersons of all standing (and ad hoc) committees except nominating, strategic planning, and executive director evaluation; approves the selection of committee members made by the chairpersons; works closely with the executive director; and must be a professional member of TSPRA and hold NSPRA membership.
- President-Elect: presides at meetings in the absence of the president; prepares a budget prior to the first executive committee meeting of the fiscal year he/she becomes president; serves as chairperson of the nominating, strategic planning and executive director evaluation committee; and must be a professional member of TSPRA and hold NSPRA membership.
- Area Vice President: serves a two-year term; represents one of nine TSPRA regions; coordinates regional membership drives; provides assistance to members and prospective members; provides written report of region’s activities to the executive director and president; attends executive committee meetings; presides at area regional meetings; communicates at least quarterly with the members in the region; other duties as assigned; and must be a professional member of TSPRA.
- At-Large Vice President: serves a two-year term; represents all members of the organization; represents specific areas of expertise within the organization as designated by the strategic plan; coordinates membership drives among their representative areas of expertise; provides assistance to current members and prospective members in their representative areas of expertise; attends executive committee meetings; and must be a professional member of TSPRA