TSPRA Mission Statement and Statement of Commitment
Mission Statement
Texas School Public Relations Association is a professional organization whose members are dedicated to improving public education in Texas by:
- promoting effective public relations practices;
- providing professional development for its members; and,
- improving communication between Texans and their public schools.
Statement of Commitment
“As a member of the Texas School Public Relations Association, I hold myself up to the educational community and to the general public as a professional in the field of educational communications.
“I commit myself to the development, evaluation and renewal of skills and abilities, techniques and strategies, both in and by myself and others, which will enhance the understanding of and support for public schools.
“I recognize and respect the right of each individual to have access to all legally available information about the programs, policies and practices of the public schools.
“I recognize and respect the role of the media as both a partner in the information dissemination process and as an independent seeker of information, and to both roles I dedicate myself to providing true and timely responses.
“To this end, I have a steadfast belief in the public school system as the institution best suited to provide a quality education for each boy and girl.”