Bylaws and Standing Rules
As passed by membership on May 2019
Bylaws and Standing Rules of the
Texas Chapter National School Public Relations Association
Article I – Name
The official name of this organization shall be the Texas Chapter, National School Public Relations Association, Incorporated. The organization shall also be known as the Texas School Public Relations Association and by the initials TSPRA.
Article II – Geographical Jurisdiction
The geographical jurisdiction of TSPRA shall encompass the area within the boundaries of the State of Texas.
Article III – Mission Statement
Texas School Public Relations Association is a professional organization whose members are dedicated to improving public education in Texas by:
• promoting effective public relations practices;
• providing professional development for its members; and,
• improving communication between Texans and their public schools.
Article IV – Membership
Membership in TSPRA shall consist of:
1. Professional Membership – open to any person who has primary responsibilities in the field of public school education communication and public relations and is employed by a public school district, public school education association or an education foundation whose primary purpose is to support a Texas public school district or an individual public school.
2. Honorary Membership – shall be bestowed by the Executive Committee upon all recipients of the annual “Key Communicator Award” and upon TSPRA Chapter presidents at the conclusion of their term. It may also be bestowed upon others at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
3. Institutional Membership – open to a public school district or public school educational association or agency or education foundation whose primary purpose is to support a Texas public school district or an individual public school and allowing up to three professional members.
4. Affiliate Membership – open to private sector schools, businesses and individuals for TSPRA.
5. Retiree Membership – open to any TSPRA professional member who has retired from public education, a foundation, association, or other educational organization and who is not working full-time in public relations. This membership level is reserved for individuals who are interested in continuing to interact and network with TSPRA members in a non-business relationship.
Article V – Officers
The officers of TSPRA shall be a President, a President-Elect, Immediate Past President, nine Area Vice Presidents, and three At-Large Vice Presidents. A parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee.
Article VI – Executive Director
The Executive Committee shall employ an Executive Director to conduct the day-to-day business of the association. The Executive Director shall be employed under the provisions of a contract subject to an annual performance review by the Executive Director’s Evaluation Committee that may include input from the Executive Committee.
Article VII – Executive Committee
The governing body of TSPRA shall be the Executive Committee. It shall consist of the officers listed in Article V. The Executive Director and a parliamentarian shall serve as ex officio members of the Executive Committee without the right to vote.
Article VIII – Meetings
There shall be at least one general membership meeting of TSPRA annually, to be held at the annual conference. The time and agenda shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Other meetings shall be set at the discretion of the Executive Committee and/or the president. The president or Executive Director shall notify all members of meetings. General membership meetings shall be for the purpose of transacting business, to be effected by a majority vote of the professional members present.
The Executive Committee shall meet at least three times annually. Other meetings shall be set at the discretion of the Executive Committee and/or the president. Executive Committee meetings shall be for the purpose of transacting business, to be effected by a majority vote of the members present and constituting a quorum.
Article IX – Amendments
The TSPRA Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the professional members present at any TSPRA meeting or by a two-thirds vote of professional members voting by either electronic or mail ballot, providing at least 30 days notice in writing has been given of any proposed amendment. After membership approval, all amendments shall be submitted to the Executive Board of the National School Public Relations Association for approval before they become effective.
Article X – Bylaws Adoption
Bylaws must be adopted by a majority of persons holding a professional membership in TSPRA.
Article XI – Prohibited Activities
No part of the earnings of the chapter shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its directors, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distribution in furtherance of the purposes set forth in these Bylaws. Except as provided in Section 501(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or any corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law, no substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Chapter shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of campaign statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law.
Upon dissolution of the Chapter, the Executive Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the Chapter, dispose of all the assets of the Chapter exclusively for the purposes of the Chapter in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, education, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization of organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law, as the Executive Board shall determine.
Article I – Membership
1. Professional Membership includes voting privileges and the right to hold office.
2. Honorary Membership shall be life membership and shall carry no other special privileges.
3. Institutional Membership includes three professional members. The membership shall remain with the school district/association/agency/foundation upon the resignation or termination of members associated with the membership.
4. Affiliate Membership does not include voting privileges or the right to hold office. Affiliate members may serve as committee members, except on Standing Committees defined in Article II of the TSPRA Standing Rules.
5. Retiree Membership does not include the right to vote or hold office. These members may serve on committees in an advisory, non-voting, capacity, in accordance with other Bylaws and Standing Rules.
6. Withdrawal of Membership Privileges: The Executive Committee, by majority vote may withdraw membership privileges from any person for failure to meet membership qualifications, violation of the NSPRA Code of Ethics or any act which brings dishonor on the Chapter. The removal of membership privileges shall take place only after due process procedures have been carried out with a hearing before the Executive Committee.
Article II – Committees
TSPRA shall have as standing committees: Review of Financial Records and Procedures, Professional Awards, Executive Director’s Evaluation, TSPRA Conference, Nominating, Strategic Planning, Past President’s Council, Celebrate Texas Public Schools, and Scholarship.
Ad Hoc Committees may be formed as needed. The president shall appoint the chairpersons of all TSPRA committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee and Executive Director’s Evaluation Committee. Committees shall serve for one year or until the conclusion of their charge, whichever occurs sooner. Each committee chairperson shall submit a complete and accurate written account of the committee’s activities, plans and proceedings to the TSPRA president with a copy to the Executive Director prior to each scheduled Executive Committee meeting.
1. Review of Financial Records and Procedures Committee – the chairperson shall appoint two members, subject to approval of the Executive Committee, to audit TSPRA financial records each year, prior to the fall Executive Committee Meeting. The committee shall report its findings to the Executive Committee no later than the fall meeting.
2. Professional Awards Committee – the chairperson shall appoint not more than five persons, including former TSPRA presidents and two members at large, to select recipients of the following awards, which, if given, shall be awarded during the annual TSPRA Conference.
(i) “Rookie of the Year” – the recipient shall be employed full-time in the field of school public relations, hold professional membership in TSPRA, and exhibit a creative, dedicated and professional approach to school communications. This person shall not have been employed in school communications for more than 36 months at the time of the nomination deadline.
(ii) “Most Valuable TSPRA Member” – the recipient shall be a professional member of TSPRA who has contributed significantly to the improvement of the association.
(iii) “Bright Idea Award” – this award shall be bestowed upon a TSPRA member and/or TSPRA nominee for outstanding ideas, strategies, projects or programs designed to promote public education in Texas through effective communication. To be considered for the award, an entry must be creative, unusual, effective, and adaptable.
(iv) “Professional Achievement Award” – the recipient shall be a person employed full time in the field of school public relations, hold professional membership in TSPRA for at least ten years and during that time exhibited a creative, dedicated and professional approach to school communications.
(v) “Key Communicator Award” – the recipient shall have contributed significantly to the field of public school communications and need not be a member of TSPRA. The recipient may be a legislator, superintendent, or professional in another field who has improved school communications; or a member of TSPRA who has contributed outstanding service to the profession of public school communications. This award, if given, shall be presented annually at the joint convention of the Texas Association of School Administrators and the Texas Association of School Boards.
Nominations for the Key Communicator Award must be received by the chairperson of the Professional Awards Committee before the announced deadline. The final selection is subject to the approval of the TSPRA Executive Committee. The chairperson shall be responsible for providing a biographical resume of the recipient for press releases and for the TSPRA president’s formal presentation at the joint convention of the Texas Association of School Administrators and the Texas Association of School Boards.
(vi) “Media Award” – the recipient shall be a media professional who has contributed significantly to the public understanding of public education in Texas through print or broadcast media. Consideration should be given to a nominee who successfully explains complex educational issues, presents issues in an unbiased manner, and who initiates stories that promote the mission of public education.
(vii) “Partner in Public Education Award” – the recipient shall be an individual or organization who has made significant contributions to the cause of public education and/or the profession with actions and/or contributions complementing the mission of TSPRA. The media and active TSPRA members are not eligible to receive this award.
Nominations for all TSPRA awards must be submitted in written form to the chairperson of the Professional Awards Committee, before the deadline announced by the association. The chairperson shall be responsible for informing the president and the Executive Director as soon as possible of the selection committee’s decision.
Any TSPRA member in good standing may submit nominations for professional awards. Awards shall be given only if the Professional Awards Committee deems they are merited. The committee shall determine which, if any, awards are to be presented in any given year. The Professional Awards Chair and committee may not submit nominees.
3. TSPRA Conference – The president may serve as the chairperson or may appoint a chairperson for the TSPRA Conference. The president shall give guidance to the appointment of committee members. The President/chairperson shall provide the leadership to carry out the TSPRA Conference theme. The Conference budget shall be monitored by the President and Executive Director.
4. Executive Director Evaluation – The President-Elect shall serve as chairperson and appoint two at-large members (one who has been in TSPRA less than five years) to serve along with the President and immediate past president to execute an annual performance review of the TSPRA Executive Director. The annual performance review shall follow the guidelines in the adopted management review process and be reported to the Executive Committee in written form no later than the fall Executive Committee Meeting.
5. Nominating Committee – shall select a slate of candidates for president-elect, nine area vice-presidents, and three at-large vice presidents.
(i) Membership: The Nominating Committee shall consist of the current president-elect plus one representative from each of the nine vice presidential areas, as well as one representative appointed by each of the at-large vice presidents. The Executive Director shall serve as an ex officio member without the right to vote.
(ii) Selection: Each area vice president shall oversee selection of a regional representative and an alternate to serve on the nominating committee. At-large vice presidents will also oversee selection of a representative and alternate to serve on the committee. The alternate shall serve in the event that the representative is prevented from serving.
(iii) Eligibility: Members of the nominating committee must be professional members of TSPRA in good standing.
(iv) Duties: Prior to September 1, the Executive Committee will direct the President-Elect to disseminate inquiry forms to all members, soliciting their willingness to serve as officers and/or express his/her interest in serving on the association’s committees. Members will also be requested to suggest names of other members who might serve capably in association offices and/or on committees. By the first week of September, the President-Elect will notify the nominating committee of its charge and provide the committee with instructions and information.
The Nominating Committee shall meet in conjunction with the fall Executive Committee Meeting. The President-Elect shall serve as chairperson of the committee. In the event the president-elect is unable to chair the committee meeting, the committee shall elect a chairperson. The committee should slate one or more candidates for each officer position. A slate of officer candidates will be named by the committee. Space for write-in candidates will be provided on the ballot.
6. Strategic Planning – shall consist of the president, president-elect, immediate past president, two other past presidents, all at-large vice presidents and TSPRA members at-large. At-large member positions should reflect the demographics of the overall membership. The two past presidents and the members at large shall be appointed by the president with the consent of the Executive Committee. The president-elect shall chair this committee.
7. Past President’s Council – shall consist of no more than six past presidents, five of whom will be appointed by the chairperson. The Council will serve in an advisory capacity and provide experienced input to the Executive Committee through written reports submitted to the President and Executive Director. Council members shall serve a two-year term. Terms shall be staggered. The Chair may serve a two-year term but only one year as chair. Selection will be from a roster of former presidents who have indicated in writing that they are willing to serve. All former presidents in good standing are eligible.
8. Scholarship Committee – shall be appointed by the president with the consent of the Executive Committee. This Committee shall select recipients for scholarships to the TSPRA Conference, NSPRA Seminar and/or scholarships for advanced studies in school communications at an accredited college or university. Scholarships will be awarded with the consent of the Executive Committee. The number and amount of scholarships available for award will be determined annually in the adopted budget.
9. Celebrate Texas Public Schools Committee – shall consist of a chair appointed by the president with the consent of the Executive Committee and members subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. This Committee shall create materials for the year-round Celebrate Texas Public Schools (CTPS) campaign, coordinate the student contest and develop additional components of the program as deemed necessary.
10. Ad Hoc Committees – shall be formed at the discretion of the Executive Committee and/or the President, who shall appoint the chairperson and approve all members. Such committees shall be automatically dissolved upon completion of their charge.
Article III – Dues/Fiscal Year
1. The Executive Committee shall determine a membership dues rate and fiscal policies based upon budgetary needs of the Association.
2. The fiscal year of the Association shall be July 1 to June 30.
Article IV – Chapter Officers
Officers shall be elected by either electronic or mail ballot annually. The offices appearing on the ballot will include:
President-Elect – the term of the president-elect shall be for three years to include president-elect, president, and immediate past-president.
Vice President – the term is for two years and is to be served as a staggered term so half the vice presidents are elected annually.
The names of the newly elected officers shall be reported to the National School Public Relations Association by TSPRA’s Executive Director.
No elected officer shall serve in the same capacity for more than two consecutive terms. The term of office for all officers shall begin at the conclusion of the annual state conference.
1. Eligibility – candidates for TSPRA offices must be a professional member in good standing in the Texas School Public Relations Association and are encouraged to hold professional membership in the National School Public Relations Association; the president, president-elect, immediate past president and the executive director are required to be members of the National School Public Relations Association. Candidates for president and president-elect shall have served as chairperson on one or more of the standing committees and/or as one of the twelve vice presidents prior to candidacy. They must, in the opinion of the Nominating Committee, have exhibited leadership characteristics in their performance as such.
2. Duties of Officers –
(i) President – shall preside at TSPRA Executive Committee and General Membership meetings; shall appoint the chairpersons of all standing committees, except the Nominating Committee and Executive Director’s Evaluation Committee and shall approve the selection of committee members made by the chairpersons. The President shall oversee the development of the budget for the fiscal year in which he/she serves as President.
(ii) President-Elect – shall preside at meetings in the absence of the president; shall assist in the preparation of a budget prior to the first Executive Committee meeting of the fiscal year he/she becomes president; and shall serve as chairperson of the Strategic Planning Committee, Executive Director’s Evaluation Committee and the Nominating Committee.
(iii) Twelve Vice Presidents – Nine area vice presidents and, three at-large vice-presidents shall be elected by the membership. Each area shall have no more than two vice presidents. Area vice presidents shall reside in the area represented. One each of the area vice presidents shall represent the Gulf Coast Area, Houston/Beaumont Area, East Texas Area, North Central Area, Central Area, San Antonio Area, West Central Area, Northwest Texas Area and Far West Area. They shall coordinate membership drives in their representative areas, provide assistance to members and prospective members in their representative areas and shall preside at area/regional meetings. The area vice presidents shall provide written reports of area activities to the Executive Director and President prior to each Executive Committee Meeting and shall communicate formally by print, electronic, audio or video media on at least a quarterly basis with their regional membership. An area vice president’s service area is composed of one or more Educational Service Center (ESC) Regions. These areas are composed as follows: Gulf Coast Area – ESC Regions 1, 2 and 3; Houston/Beaumont Area – ESC Regions 4 and 5; East Texas Area – ESC Regions 6, 7 and 8; North Central Area – ESC Regions 9,10 and 11; Central Area – ESC Region 13; San Antonio Area – ESC Region 20; West Central Area – ESC Regions 12, 14 and 15; Northwest Texas Area – ESC Regions 16 and 17; Far West Area – ESC Regions 18 and 19.
The three at-large vice presidents shall represent all members and shall serve staggered terms. At-large vice presidents represent specific areas of expertise within the organization as designated by the strategic plan and shall coordinate membership drives among their representative areas of expertise, provide assistance to members and prospective members in their representative areas of expertise and provide written reports of activities to the Executive Director and President prior to each Executive Committee meeting and shall communicate formally by print, electronic, audio or video media on at least a quarterly basis with their respective membership.
All vice presidents shall also be responsible for other duties as assigned by the President, or the President-Elect or the Immediate Past President.
(iv) Immediate Past President – shall serve as a member of the executive committee, if they remain employed full-time in public school public relations and serve on the Strategic Planning Committee, Executive Director’s Evaluation Committee, Conference Planning Committee and assist with the development of the budget for the year following their term of office as President.
(v) Parliamentarian – shall be selected by the president and approved by the Executive Committee. The parliamentarian shall determine that all meetings are conducted according to the established rules of procedure, take minutes at all general membership and Executive Committee meetings and shall serve as an ex officio member of the Executive Committee. Production, distribution and housing of all TSPRA records are the responsibilities of the Executive Director.
(vi) Zone coordinators – may be appointed by an area vice president, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to provide direct assistance to a subsection of a vice presidential area. A zone coordinator would perform membership service functions as assigned by an area vice president. A zone coordinator shall be directly responsible to his/her vice president for all assignments. A zone coordinator shall serve for one year and may be reappointed for an additional year.
3. Vacancies – in the event of a vacancy in any office other than those of president or president-elect, the Executive Committee shall fill the office for the unexpired term. In the event of a vacancy of the office of president, the president-elect shall succeed at once to the office of president. The Executive Director shall immediately canvass the membership for nominations for president-elect and conduct an election to fill the unexpired term and to succeed to the presidency as prescribed by the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the association. Should the president-elect resign prior to assuming the office of president, the Executive Director shall follow the same procedures for filling the position of president-elect.
Should the office of president become vacant at the same time that the office of president-elect is vacant, the Executive Director shall immediately canvass the vice presidents for nominations for president and president-elect and conduct an election to fill the unexpired terms and one full term.
4. Removal from Office – The Executive Committee, by majority vote, may remove any officer from office for failure to perform assigned duties or corruption. Additionally, failure to attend two meetings each year, failure to meet eligibility requirements or any act which brings dishonor on the chapter may result in removal from office. The removal shall take place only after due process procedures have been carried out.
Article V – Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be responsible for all policy decisions affecting TSPRA’s operation. It shall carry out all directives as voted by the membership. The Executive Committee shall authorize disbursement of TSPRA funds by approval and amendment of the annual budget. Business shall be transacted by a majority of the Executive Committee, convened by the call of the president, either in person, via teleconference, by electronic or mail ballot.
Article VI – Duties of the Executive Director
The Executive Director shall be a professional member of TSPRA. The Executive Director shall maintain membership records and coordinate all membership drives; shall keep records of all meetings; shall assist with association correspondence and other matters relating to the association’s written documents; shall maintain financial records; providing statements to the Executive Committee and annually to the membership; shall disburse association funds in accordance with the budget and as approved by the Executive Committee; shall serve as an ex officio member of the Executive Committee, Strategic Planning Committee and the Nominating Committee without the right to vote; and shall conduct, in accordance with the Bylaws and Standing Rules, the election of officers.
Article VII – Quorum for Executive Committee
A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Article VIII – Election of Officers
The election of officers shall be conducted annually by ballot prepared by the Executive Director upon receipt of the Nominating Committee report and mailed, either electronically or first class, no later than November 10, to professional members.
Marked ballots shall be returned to the Executive Director prior to December 15, shall be read by tellers who are members and who are appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
A plurality of ballots cast shall determine the duly elected officer. In case of a tie, the Executive Committee shall determine the elected officer.
The general membership shall be notified of the election results in the TSPRA newsletter, and the new officers shall be installed in office at the TSPRA conference.
Article IX – Order of Business
General Membership Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings may be conducted according to the following Order of Business
1. Call to Order
2. Minutes
3. Standing Reports
4. Special Reports
5. Old Business
6. New Business
7. Announcements
8. Adjournment
Article X – Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern TSPRA in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not in conflict with the Bylaws and Standing Rules of this association.
Article XI – Official Chapter Communications/Authorization to Use TSPRA’s Name
Any communication or project that may be considered to represent the Texas Chapter, National School Public Relations Association, or its membership to the general or professional public should receive prior approval of the Executive Committee. Any member who represents the TSPRA organization in presentations, endorsements, printed, electronic or video media must receive authorization from the TSPRA Executive Committee. TSPRA does not authorize any regional area or individual to collect dues or funds for activities related to or understood to be under the auspices of the Association.
Article XII – Amendments
The Standing Rules may be amended by a majority vote of the professional members present at any general membership meeting, or by a majority vote of the professional members voting by electronic or mail ballot.