Professional Awards
Each year the TSPRA Professional Awards Committee honors our own members, persons in the media and those that support public education. Nominations are submitted by our own TSPRA members who are in good standing (current dues paid).
Four of the awards are given to our own members:
Professional Achievement, Most Valuable Member, Rookie of the Year and Bright Idea.
Two awards are given to persons and/or organizations outside of our membership:
the Media Award and the Partner in Public Education Award.
Professional Achievement Award
The recipient shall be a person employed full time in the field of school public relations, hold professional membership in TSPRA for at least ten years and during that time exhibited a creative, dedicated, and professional approach to school communications.
Most Valuable Member Award
The recipient shall be a member of TSPRA who has contributed significantly to the improvement of the association.
Rookie Of The Year
The recipient shall be employed full time in the field of school public relations, hold professional membership in TSPRA, and exhibit a creative, dedicated, and professional approach to school communications. This person shall be a member of TSPRA and shall not have been employed in school public relations for more than 36 months at the time of the nomination deadline.
Bright Idea Award
This award shall go to a TSPRA member and/or TSPRA nominee for outstanding ideas, strategies, projects or programs designed to promote public education in Texas through effective communications. To be considered for the award, an entry must be creative, unusual, effective, and adaptable.
Media Award
To be given to a print or broadcast journalist whose work has made a positive impact in informing the public on education issues and in communicating the good news of public education.
Partner in Public Education Award
To be given to an individual or organization who has made significant contributions to the cause of public education and/or the profession with actions and/or contributions complementing the mission of TSPRA. The media and active TSPRA members are not eligible to receive this award.