2022 Safari Adventures
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022
4:15 – 5 p.m.
The are special events held after concurrent sessions, which are planned and hosted by sponsors.
Reaching the Last 10%
Hosted by ParentSquare
Jay Klanfer, moderator
Panel: Larissa Loveless, Palestine ISD; Billy Rudolph, Galveston ISD; Christopher Weddle, Del Valle ISD
From technology equity to language barriers, effective communication to all school community members is not easy. We’ll explore several techniques to involve every parent, student and staff member — especially that persistent 10 percent unreachable — and premiere a new best practice guide.
A WILD New Editing Experience
Hosted by Smore
Tal Nagar & Shlomi Atar, Smore with a special guest
Come hang with your favorite people from Smore and enjoy a tasty treat. Plus, get an inside view at ideas, best practices and cool new features that will help you create engaging school communications in 2022
Kick Back and Relax with the New Kids in Town!
Hosted by CatapultK12
No pitch zone! Grab a local beverage, kick back and meet our CatapultK12 team in Salon A. Enjoy fun games and entertainment or relax with a soothing massage.
Shaking (or Stirring) it up in 2022
Hosted by Finalsite
We’d be lion if we said we weren’t excited to see what’s coming up for schools in 2022. Join Finalsite for a chance to get in the TSPRA spirit(s) with a signature cocktail. We’ll give you a chance to catch up with each other and learn more about how to make sure your website is the king of the jungle.
Mix & Mingle
Chris Northington, Michelle Pena-Thompson, Adam Dolan, Sam Alaniz Jr., Jeff Windsor SALON H Mix and mingle with your community engagement partners to kick off 2022. Join Blackboard and wind down from a day of sessions for a mixology class where we’ll learn how to whip up some fun, engaging cocktails. You’ll learn about the origins of bartending, remarkable products, techniques, and modern-day twists on classic cocktails.
Tiger King of TSPRA
Hosted by Intrado SchoolMessenger
AJ Morgan, Steven Anderson, Aria Woodcoff
Test your TSPRA and PR knowledge. Play an exciting trivia game to find out who is the real Tiger King or Queen, of TSPRA! Have some fun, win some great prizes and earn TSPRA bragging rights you can take into the next 60 years!
Where are the WILD Things?!
Hosted by Class Intercom
Dr. Jill Johnson & Ben Pankonin
As PR professionals, you live in the scary world of social media every day, but don’t let them eat you up; instead, capitalize on your sense of adventure! Understand. Explore. We are on the edge of the wild…but Class Intercom can help you tame the beast. This session will be fun, informative, engaging, and interactive!
Margarita Meet Up
Hosted by The Scholastic Network
Cheers to 2022! The Margarita Meet Up is a chance to relax, unwind, and mingle with awesome people. Join us to claim your commemorative margarita glass and enjoy our Margarita bar, featuring hand-shaken margaritas.
Empowering the Communications Team — With Self-Care & Professional Development
Hosted by K12 Insight
With so much at stake, managing school communications and the chaos is stressful. Join K12 Insight to discover new self-care strategies while enjoying cocktails and fun giveaways! You’ll have the opportunity to get a sneak peek at our newest courses and the new, improved experience we offer for PD. You’ll also learn how our expert-led workshops can uplevel your team’s customer service skills and help your frontline staff drive better experiences and engagement.